Smaller, Safer, Faster, (much more) Universal
Boxer is an open-source project designed to reimagine cloud computing by transitioning from traditional container technology to WebAssembly (Wasm) based distributions, known as "Boxes" or "WasmBoxes".
While containers have been a cornerstone of cloud computing, they come with significant drawbacks. They often result in larger, less efficient deployments with slower startup times and rely heavily on the underlying operating system/kernel for security, which can introduce vulnerabilities and platform lock-in.
Boxer (A.K.A "Wasm-Boxer") offers a new solution by providing tooling for converting existing containerized workloads and definitions into near-universally deployable Wasm distributions. These "Boxes" offer environments comparable to those provided by containers but are vastly more efficient thanks to the lightweight, sandboxed execution capabilities of WebAssembly.