
Mia St John



Boxer is an open-source project designed to reimagine cloud computing by transitioning from traditional container technology to WebAssembly (Wasm) based distributions, known as "Boxes" or "Wasm-Boxes".


While containers have been a cornerstone of cloud computing, providing isolated environments for applications, they come with significant drawbacks. They often result in larger, less efficient deployments with slower startup times and rely heavily on the underlying operating system/kernel for security, which can introduce vulnerabilities and platform lock-in.

Solution: Boxer

Boxer (A.K.A "boxer") offers a new solution by providing tooling for converting existing containerized workloads and definitions into near-universally deployable Wasm distributions. These "Boxes" offer environments comparable to those provided by containers but are vastly more efficient thanks to the lightweight, sandboxed execution capabilities of WebAssembly.

Container and Box

Key Advantages of WebAssembly:


Dockerfile -> Wasm Binary

For for this file:

FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN mkdir -p /app
COPY a.out /app
CMD ["/app/a.out"]

run wbx build -f Dockerfile

This will bring in libc interaces (as imports) and create the necessary FS state, thus declaritivey creating a ready-to-run Wasm binary.